
Groupe of ripenessEarly
Vegetative period102-107 days
Plant height150-160 cm
Plant height18-20 cm
Weight of 1000 kernels55-65 g
Oil content50-51%
Yield potential4.9-5.0 t/ha
Drought resistance7
Resistance to Phoma oleracea7
Resistance to Phomopsis helianthi6
Resistance to Plasmopara halstedii7
Resistance to Botrytis cinerea7
Resistance to Sclerotinia scletotium7
Resistance to Orobanche cumana (races)5 (A, B, C, D, E)

The hybrid is not demanding for soil fertility and period of return to the previous place

The hybrid is not demanding for soil fertility. The yield of the hybrid is to a lesser extent dependent on the timing of seeding. It is a good predecessor for winter crops due to early maturation and good grinding of plant stems by surface soil aggregates.

A small plant height, combined with the early flowering, allows less soil moisture and nutrients to be used to build a vegetative mass, and to a greater extent, to form a productive crop. The hybrid is unpretentious to the dates of returning to the previous place.

The optimum plant density during the vegetation period is 60-65 thousand / ha. The optimal seeding time is early (April 25-30) or late (May 15-30). The most recent planting date is June 10 and harvesting without desiccation.