
Groupe of ripenessMid-early
Vegetative period111-113 days
Plant height160-170 cm
Diameter of head18-20 cm
Weight of 1000 kernels55-60 g
Oil content48-50%
Yield potential4,5-5,0 t/ha
Drought resistance8
Resistance to Phoma oleracea7
Resistance to Phomopsis helianthi7
Resistance to Plasmopara halstedii8
Resistance to Botrytis cinerea8
Resistance to Sclerotinia scletotium8
Resistance to broomrape (races)(A, B, C, D, E, F, G)


Mid-early flexible hybrid with increased resistance to the last races of sunflower high yield potential

The optimal density of standing plants during the growing season in the steppe zone is
50-55 thousand / ha, in the Forest-Steppe zone – 60-65 thousand / ha, in the Polissya zone – 65-70 thousand / ha.

The optimal sowing period is in May. The latest sowing date is June 10 and harvesting without desiccation.